纽约时报:重新定义钢琴教育,The ONE带给行业巨头的深思

2016-07-20 TheONE智能钢琴订阅号

近日,美国《纽约时报》商业头版的一篇报道,把全球目光聚焦到了中国市场在钢琴教育的创新上,除了大众耳熟能详的“钢琴之王”施坦威, The ONE智能钢琴也成了另外一个引人注意的焦点。

In a sleek office tower in the heart of Beijing’s high-tech hub, 60 engineers and 20 musicians work day and night to perfect a product they hope will one day compete with traditional instruments from makers like Steinway.


The device is a smart piano known as The ONE, and it uses synchronized lights and video games to show children how to play the piano. With a compact design, it has proved to be popular among Chinese parents; the company sold 85,000 units in two years.

这是一种智能钢琴,名为The ONE。它通过跟灯模式以及游戏化“寓教于乐”的方式,教孩子如何弹钢琴。事实证明,它受到了中国家长的青睐,两年就销售了逾8.5万架钢琴。



作为美国严肃刊物的代表,《纽约时报》是世界范围内最具公信力和权威性的媒体之一,它以其对时事报道的客观、公正,多次获得新闻界的诺贝尔——普利策奖。在它看来,因为创新,今天,The ONE智能钢琴某种意义上已经成了中国音乐市场的“战斗英雄”。


The ONE将见证古典钢琴的新生”


In a sleek office tower in the heart of Beijing’s high-tech hub, 60 engineers and 20 musicians work day and night to perfect a product they hope will one day compete with traditional instruments from makers like Steinway.



《纽约时报》眼中的The ONE,既能跟灯学习,也能游戏化教学,更重要的是,用它学琴,不仅钢琴老师将得到智能化的协助,初学者也能独立自学,所谓智能钢琴,已经让传统钢琴走到了现代音乐教育的前线。

The device is a smart piano known as The ONE, and it uses synchronized lights and video games to show children how to play the piano. With a compact design, it has proved to be popular among Chinese parents; the company sold 85,000 units in two years.

这是一种智能钢琴,名为The ONE。它通过跟灯模式以及游戏化“寓教于乐”的方式,教孩子如何弹钢琴。事实证明,它受到了中国家长的青睐,两年就销售了逾8.5万架钢琴。

Founded by an engineer with no background in music, the company that produces The ONE has not been shy about its ambitions. “Witness the rebirth of the classical piano,” reads one advertisement.

The ONE是由一位非音乐背景的工程师创办的,这个名为小叶子科技的公司的雄心,在它的一个广告中一览无余:见证古典钢琴的新生。




这种智能钢琴的市场前景到底有多乐观?《纽约时报》的预测是,未来五年,这个品类将达到100万台,从中国家长对The ONE的青睐来看,中国市场对创新能力的要求最为迫切,而中国创新,也正在逐渐引导全球市场的发展方向,以致世界最负盛名的乐器品牌——施坦威,也认为中国最有可能重新点燃爵士时代对钢琴的热情。

There are now some 300,000 digital pianos in China, about the same number as acoustic pianos. Some forecasts say the total could reach one million within five years.


In Beijing this month, Steinway unveiled a product that executives heralded as one of the most significant innovations in the company’s 163-year history: Spirio, an acoustic piano equipped with a digital brain so that it can play without human intervention.


Spirio, which starts at about $147,000 in China, traces its roots to a generation of player pianos that filled homes across America in the early 1900s, the golden age of pianos. It was a time when jazz and ragtime flew off the keys, and Steinway was producing more than 6,000 pianos a year, triple what it makes today.


Steinway sees China as the best shot at rekindling the fervor of that era. Indeed, for two months last year, the company sold more grand pianos in China than in the United States.



在大多数行业巨头开始把中国作为其重点战略市场的今天, The ONE代表的市场需求和创造力,已成了引人深思的一种未来趋势。

For generations, Steinway has thrived by ignoring competitors claiming to have reinvented the piano. But the surging popularity of digital pianos like the One, as well as concerns that a slowing Chinese economy could hurt demand, have prompted the company to reconsider.

几十年来,施坦威无视那些自称重新创造了钢琴的竞争对手,一直发展得有声有色。但随着The ONE这类数码钢琴的兴起,以及担心中国经济放缓可能减缓需求,该公司已经开始重新考虑这个问题。


 “学了一门技术,恨了一门艺术”,曾经,中央音乐学院副院长周海宏教授这样评价中国学琴的状况。现如今,在《纽约时报》看来,以The ONE为代表的智能钢琴,用科技手段将带来钢琴需求的爆发式增长,同时将掀起全球智能音乐教育的热潮。这一科技改变教育的黄金时代正在到来,让我们拭目以待!